
Size of the Problem

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  • Your teacher handed out a worksheet for you to complete. After a few minutes looking at it, you are still confused about what you are supposed to do. What is the size of the problem? Who is your helper?
    size = level 3, helper = teacher
  • During class you really need to go to the bathroom. What is the size of the problem? Who is your helper?
    size = level 1, helper = yourself
  • At McDonalds you order a cheeseburger WITHOUT mustard. When you get your burger, you notice there is mustard on it. What is the size of the problem? Who is your helper?
    size = level 1, helper = yourself
  • While walking down the hallway you see and smell smoke. What is the size of the problem? Who is your helper?
    size = level 5, helper = 911
  • During class you realize you forgot your pencil at home and need something to write with. You look next to you and notice your classmate has extra pencils. What is the size of the problem? Who is your helper?
    size = level 2, helper = classmate
  • During class you start to feel hungry and need a snack. What is the size of the problem? Who is your helper?
    size = level 1, helper = yourself
  • You tripped and fell while hiking in the woods and feel like you broke your ankle. What is the size of the problem? Who is your helper?
    size = level 5, helper = 911
  • Your teacher asks you a question during class and you do not know the answer right away. You feel like you need more time to think about it and collect your thoughts before answering the question. What is the size of the problem?
    size = level 1, helper = yourself
  • During class you start to feel mad and frustrated. You want to leave the classroom to have a break to calm down. What is the size of the problem? Who is your helper?
    size = level 3, helper = teacher
  • During class you start to feel thirsty and want to go to the water fountain. What is the size of the problem? Who is your helper?
    size = level 1, helper = yourself
  • Someone at school is bullying you everyday. They keep messing with you at school and online on social media. You already went to your teacher for help but it still keeps happening. What is the size of the problem? Who is your helper?
    size = level 4, helper = principal
  • During lunch you accidentally spilled milk all over the table. What is the size of the problem? Who is your helper?
    size = level 1, helper = yourself
  • You're in a car and suddenly a car crashes into you and you are in a car accident. What is the size of the problem? Who is your helper?
    size = level 5, helper = 911
  • Everyday at school you feel exhausted and always want to fall asleep during class. You also stay up late every night playing videogames and don't get enough sleep. What is the size of the problem? Who is your helper?
    size = level 1, helper = yourself