
Modal verbs

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  • Everybody in your team say one thing you DON'T HAVE TO do at home.
  • Fill the correct modal verbs: You ... answer when your teacher asks you.
  • TRANSLATE: Když tě bolí v krku, nesmíš chodit plavat.
    If you have a sore throat, you mustn't go swimming.
  • TRANSLATE: Neměl bys jíst tolik čokolády.
    You shouldn't eat so much chocolate.
  • Make a sentence about the sign.
    You must stop
  • Make a sentence about the picture. Use a modal verb.
    You must fasten your seatbelt.
  • CORRECT (if there is a mistake): He musts get up at 5 AM.
    He must
  • TRANSLATE: Nesmíš kouřit na hřišti.
    You mustn't smoke at the playground.
  • Everybody in your team say one thing you SHOULD do at home.
  • CORRECT (if there is a mistake): You mustn't sleeping during the lessons.
    You musten't sleep
  • CORRECT (if there is a mistake): I mustn't wear jewellery during our PE lesson.
    no mistake
  • TRANSLATE: Petr se musí učit dějepis.
    Peter must study History.
  • Make a sentence about the picture. Use a modal verb.
    You mustn't touch this.
  • TRANSLATE: Nemusíš mi radit.
    You don't have to give me an advice.
  • Everybody in your team say one thing you SHOULDN'T say to a good friend.
  • Everybody in your team say one thing you SHOULDN'T do at school.
  • CORRECT (if there is a mistake): She should do the shopping.
    no mistake
  • CORRECT (if there is a mistake): If you are ill you should go to school.
    If you are ill you shouldn't
  • Make a sentence about the picture. Use a modal verb.
    You mustn't use your phone.
  • CORRECT (if there is a mistake): I don't have to walking the dog every day.
    I don't have to walk the dog
  • Fill the correct modal verbs: We ... use our mobile phone during the lessons.
  • TRANSLATE: Měl bys dnes večer zhasnout.
    You should switch of the light tonight.
  • Everybody in your team say one thing you MUST do at home.
  • Fill the correct modal verbs: We .... wear an uniform in our school.
  • Make a sentence about the picture. Use a modal verb.
    You must be careful for the kangaroos.