
Nonliteral Language

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  • What does "break the ice" mean?
    Make people feel more comfortable
  • What does "on the ball" mean?
    Doing a great job
  • What does "under the weather" mean?
    Not feeling well
  • What does "hit the hay" mean?
    Go to bed
  • What does "on the fence" mean?
    I'm not sure yet
  • What does "get out of hand" mean?
    Get out of control
  • What does "down to the wire" mean?
    Waiting until the last possible minute to do something
  • What does "chill out" mean?
    Calm down
  • What does "spill the beans" mean?
    Tell a secret
  • What does "it's a piece of cake" mean?
    It's easy
  • What does "book worm" mean?
    Someone who loves books
  • What does "a perfect storm" mean?
    The worst possible situation
  • What does "come clean" mean?
    Tell the truth
  • What does "cool off" mean?
    Calm down
  • What does "on the house" mean?
    It's for free or paid for by the owner
  • What does "I've got it in the bag" mean?
    I'm confident I can do this
  • What does "chop chop" mean?
    Hurry up
  • What does "on cloud nine" mean?
    Very happy