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  • Describe the kung fu mantis.
  • Can insects fly?
    Yes, some have wings
  • What does a dragonfly look like?
    It is long with clear wings.
  • Describe the orchid mantis.
  • Do you like dragonflies, why or why not?
  • Where do you usually see butterflies?
  • What does a butterfly look like?
    It is colorful with beautiful wings.
  • What does a fly look like?
    It is black with six sticky legs.
  • What do you see?
  • What does a mantis look like?
    It is green with a scary head.
  • Describe a butterfly you saw.
  • What do you see?
  • Have you ever seen a lady bug? Where?
  • Do you like flies? Why or why not?
  • What does a lady bug look like?
    It is red with black spots.
  • Where do you usually see flies?