
Figurative Language/Idiom Game 3

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  • "The house is a clean as whistle. You must have worked very hard on your spring cleaning!" my mom exclaimed when she got home.
    Very clean
  • "You've got to watch him like a hawk. He is known to cheat on tests," the principal told the new teacher.
    To watch someone very carefully
  • The supervisor said, "We can't put the car before the horse. You'll have to do training before you work a shift."
    Reverse the proper order or procedure of something
  • Since both team's quarterbacks are injured and can't play, the game will be a wash.
    Equal and one side does not have an advantage
  • "The grass is as dry as a bone," the neighbor said as he turned on the hose.
    Extremely dry and needs water
  • Tine said, "I don't want to burst your bubble, but you can't go out until you have done the dishes."
    To share information that will disappoint someone
  • As Kami's dad walked through the room where he was practicing piano, he said "Watch out, Beethoven!"
    Saying he is playing very well
  • Chelsea told her best friend, "I bet you want to go to the Uptown Cafe. I can read you like a book."
    To easily understand the true thoughts and feelings of someone
  • The defendant didn't bat an eye when he found guilty of the crime.
    To show no surprise, fear, concern; no emotions
  • As the cookies baked in the over, I could smell them from a mile away.
    From a distance, you can't miss it
  • The well-know researchers blazed the trail for treatment of lung cancer.
    to be the first one to do something and to show others how to do it
  • When I told Mom the I missed three math problems, she said "Don't sweat the small stuff."
    Don't get worried or upset about the minor issues
  • Natalie said "You can just keep that pencil. They're a dime a dozen."
    Very common and of no particular value
  • "You didn't invite Molly to the party? Are you two at odds again?" Mom asked me.
    In a conflict or fight
  • Ever since the man accused his neighbor of hitting the mailbox, there was bad blood between them.
    Unfriendly or hostile relations
  • My instructor told me that he already had an idea for my project, so I did not have to reinvent the wheel.
    Waste a great deal of time or effort in creating something that already exists
  • While the whole family helped to pack up the boxes, my sister sat like a bump on a log on the couch.
    Sitting around and not doing anything/not helping
  • "Niko can run like nobody's business," the track coach said as he watched Niko sprinting faster than the rest of the team.
    To an extraordinarily high degree or standard