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  • How does he look like?
    He is bald and has blue eyes.
  • Is she blond, ginger or brunette?
    She is blond.
  • How does she look like?
    She has short, curly hair and blond hair.
  • How does her hair look like?
    She has wavy and shoulder length and brown hair.
  • How does he look like?
    He has  long, wavy and brown hair. 
  • How does she look like?
    She has  short and straight hair brown hair and brown eyes.
  • How does she look like?
    She has long and straight and blaond hair and has brown eyes.
  • How does she look like?
    She has shoulder length, straight and blond hair.
  • How does he look like?
    He has short , straight and brown hair and blue eyes.
  • Is she blond, ginger or brunette?
    She is brunette.
  • Does he have a beard or mustache?
    He has beard.
  • Is she ginger, blond or brunette?
    She is ginger.
  • How does he look like?
    He has long, straight hair and grey hair.
  • Does he have a beard or mustache?
    He has mustache.
  • How does he look like?
    He has short and straight hair blond hair and brown eyes.
  • How does she look like?
    She has long , wavy and brown hair. 
  • How does he look like?
    He is bald.