
EU5 - Unit 6

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  • He needs two drops of food coloring and he has two drops. Does he have enough food coloring?
    Yes, he does
  • How much salt does she need?
    She needs a quarter cups of salt
  • She needs one teaspoon of baking soda and she has half a teaspoons. Does she have enough baking soda?
    No, she doesn't
  • How much cooking oil does he need?
    He need five tablespoons of cooking oil
  • What is this?
    A half cup of water
  • He needs one cup of flour and he has two cups. Does he have enough flour?
    Yes, he does
  • He needs five and a half cups of water and he has five cups. Does he have enough water?
    No, he doesn't
  • What is this?
    A tablespoon of cooking oil
  • What is this?
    A drop of food coloring
  • What is this?
    A teaspoon of baking soda
  • How much flour does he need?
    He needs five cups of flour
  • She needs three and a quarter cups of salts and she has three and a half cups. Does she have enough salt?
    Yes, she does
  • How much food coloring does she need?
    She needs two drops of food coloring
  • What is this?
    A cup of flour
  • How much water does he need?
    He needs one and a half cups of water
  • How much baking soda does she need?
    She needs a teaspoon of baking soda
  • She needs six tablespoons of cooking oil and she has four tablespoons. Does she have enough oil?
    No, she doesn't
  • What is this?
    A quarter cup of salt