
Past simple question answers

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  • Mos was born in 2012 (April).
    When was Mos born? / When was he born?
  • I think, Neil Armstrong walked on the moon in 1969.
    When did Neil Armstrong walk on the moon?
  • Mint left kindergarten school when she was 5 years old.
    When did Mint leave her Kindergarten school? / When did she leave her Kindergarten school?
  • I played watched movies and played football last holiday. Make a question in the past simple.
    What did you do last holiday? / How did you spend your last holiday?
  • Nudee and Bell met at Tarn's party.
    Where did Nudee and Bell meet? / Where did they meet?
  • Yes, we had a great time at Tarn's party.
    Did you have a good time at Tarn's party? / Did you have a great time at the party?