
Part of the Problem or the Solution?

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  • We usually buy lots of things on Black Friday just because they are cheap. (can't)
    Be conscious and don't get things you DON'T need.
  • Every time my dad washes the car he uses the hose and spends lots of water. (has to)
    Every drop counts!
  • We use the air conditioning everyday in the car, in the lab and in my house. At night we use the heater.  (must)
    Change your habits.
  • I need to buy a new dress for the graduation dance, I have 3 dresses but I want a new one. (should)
    Apply the three R's.
  • Gasoline prices are rising every month and I use my car to go everywhere. (shouldn't)
    Nice idea!
  • My cousin and my uncle are looking for a job. But they went to a job fair and there were 50 other people applying for 1 opening position. (can)
    Never stop trying
  • Many governments use oil as their main source of energy fossil fuels causing air pollution.  (must)
  • We take out about 5 bags of garbage from my house every week (shouldn't)
    Recycling is good!
  • There aren't any trees in my neighborhood. (has to)
    More trees!!
  • My friend and classmate live next to my house and yet they always take separate cars.  (should)
  • There is a terrible smell coming out of the river next to our school and I have seen too many mosquitos too. (must)
    Stop water pollution!
  • My brother always uses lots of chlorine when he cleans, this kills everything in the water. (have to)
    Be eco friendly!
  • My family and I eat chicken or meat every day, I wouldn't live without eating steaks. (have to)
    Veggies are good.
  • Last year the media reported a great forest fire in California due to irresponsible smokers. (must)
    Protect our forest!
  • We always need more than 4 plastic bags to take our grocieries home. (can)
    No more plastic please!
  • I'm ready to change my car for a new one. Which one should I get?
    Great suggestion!