
UNIT 1 Review

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  • What's the weather like?
    It's foggy.
  • Compare: Adjective "tall"
    The man is taller than the woman.
  • Simple Present or Present Continuous: My grandpa _________________ to the radio right now.
    is listening
  • Present Simple or Present Continuous: Susan _____________ TV every afternoon.
  • Present Simple or Present Continuous: The students _____________ an interactive game now.
    are playing
  • Whose Teddy bear is it?
    It's the girl's Teddy Bear. / It's her Teddy bear. / It's hers.
  • Compare: Adjective "blond"
    The woman is blondier than the man.
  • What season is it?
    It's fall.
  • Whose toys are they?
    They're the children's toys. / The're their toys. / They're theirs.
  • Compare: Adjective "young"
    The woman is younger than the man.
  • Present simple or Present continuous: My cousin Alberto ______________ from 8:00 am. to 4:00 p.m. every day.
  • Whose ball is it?
    It's the boy's ball. / It's his ball. / It's his.