
what can you use it for ?

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  • what can you use it for ?
    we can use the crayons for coloring the picture.
  • what can you use it for ?
    we can  use the dictionary for looking for meanings of the words
  • what can you use it for ?
    we can use the glue for sticking the cutouts
  • what can you use it for ?
    we can use the scissors for cutting paper.
  • what can you use it for ?
    we can use the pen for drawing some picture
  • what can you use it for ?
    we can use the ruller for measuring the line.
  • what can you use it for ?
    we can use  the pen for writing words.
  • what can you use it for ?
    we can use the eraser for removing the writing
  • what can you use it for ?
    we can use the school bag for carrying your books.