
Social Studies Ch5 L3 Quiz Review

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  • I want to do well with my group in a class project. This is our group's _____.
  • What does the word succeed mean?
    To do well.
  • How do you know a community is diverse?
    It has people from different countries. They speak different languages. Have different cultures, customs, tradition.
  • How do we benefit from working together?
    We learn about other people and understand where they come from.
  • What is a community?
    A group of people who work together.
  • How can people be diverse?
    Speak more than one language. Have different beliefs, customs, and traditions.
  • What does benefit mean?
    Something that helps something be better.
  • I can _____ , or do well, when I work hard.
    diverse, goal, benefit, succeed
  • When we work together and want to do well we _____. diverse, benefit, succeed, goals
  • Each day my ____ is to get some exercise. diverse, goal, benefit, succeed
  • If your neighbors are from different countries then your community is_____ benefit, diverse, goals, succeed
  • I _____ when I reach my goal of getting exercise. diverse, goals, benefit, succeed
  • A class where everyone is the same age, come from one town and wear the same clothes is NOT _____.
  • What does the word goals mean?
    What we hope to do or get.
  • When we understand where other people come from we all benefit because _____
    we have better lives when we know about different cultures.
  • A class with lots of children speaking different languages is _____ .
  • What is another word for diverse?