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What is a schism?
It's the formal separation of a Church into two Churches because of doctrinal and other differences.
The system of government of the Roman Catholic Church where the Pope is the supreme head.
To transmit or leave something to someone in a will or inheritance.
To bequeath.
A group of domestic animals that are kept together. ( geese, ducks, sheep, goats )
A flock.
A supreme leader, usually a monarch.
A sovereign.
An extreme shortage of food.
A famine.
To hold back, slow down and make progress difficult.
To hinder
What period came after the crisis of the 14th Century?
The Renaissance Period - a time of great advances in science, learning and culture.
Who did the masses persecute and why?
They persecuted Jews, foreigners and the wealthy because they were terrorised by hunger and The Plague.
Why did the poor revolt in urban areas?
They wanted to overthrow the urban oligarchy.
What did peasants revolt about in times of social unrest in the 14th Century?
They wanted freedom from the manorial system.
What was the Black Death?
It was a bubonic plague that killed millions of people.
What happened to the population of Europe in the 14th Century?
It fell to a third of its size due to the Black Death,wars and bad harvests.
What caused political unrest in 14th Century feudal Europe?
The 100 Years' War between England and France ( and other kingdoms that got involved ).
Describe the religious crisis in the 14th Century:
The Western Schism resulted in the Christian church being divided into two, each group with its own Pope.
What was the Holy Roman Empire?
It was one of the kingdoms that emerged when The Carolingian Empire fell. It was the defender of the Pope and Christianity.
What is a theocracy?
It's when a religious leader has all the power over civil governance.
What was the political motivation behind a fuero?
For the inhabitants to achieve freedom from the nobility and for the monarch to gain political and military support.
What was a "fuero"?
Cities with privileges that paid taxes to monarchs.
Which 2 institutions were considered superior to all others in the High Middle Ages?
The Papacy and the Empire.
Which 5 factors revitalised trade during the High Middle Ages?
Technical advances in transport, safer trade routes,more types of currencies were in circulation, the creation of guilds and new jobs that facilitated payments.
What was the final step in the journey of joining a guild?
Becoming a master craftsman.
What was the next step after completing an apprenticeship?
You would become an artisan.
What do you call someone learning a trade?
An apprentice.
What did guilds want to ensure?
The quality of a product and also fixing of prices.
Where did merchants and bankers get their wealth from?
From the possession of goods and money- not land ownership.
Why did the monarchy support the economic development of cities in the High Middle Ages?
They wanted to take away power from the nobility and they benefited economically( -by having taxes paid to them )
Which class of people formed the urban oligarchy in 14th Century feudal Europe?
Merchants and bankers dominated the municipal governments.
What is an oligarchy?
A small group of people having control of a country or organisation.
What were guilds?
They were associations of craftsmen with the same trade.
Which different class groups emerged during the High Middle Ages?
Merchants and bankers/ tradesmen and craftsmen/ peasants
What three changes occurred in cities in the Middle Ages?
They grew in number/ populations increased/ they were more important economically and socially.