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Solitary Network Trivia

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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How do you group students for differentiated instruction?
Choosing a Flexible Grouping Style which allows students to team up according to their learning level.
What are some strategies of using iPads in learning centers?
Teachers can use cueing cards to provide students with cues as to what app they should be using at a certain time
Can students choose which app they use to solve a problem?
Yes. (depending on what problem it is for instance “ if it is a math problem i think that using a calculator or photo math would be just fine”
How can you experiment with new instructional styles to take advantage of mobile learning devices in the classroom?
Use of Audio Recording Feature, Live polling tolls,Creating of videos, Chat and Online discussion forums
what are the goals for Ipad implementation?
Engagement,access to digital textbooks, acess to digital environments, media consumption
What are the disadvantages of learning centers?
They are time consuming, costly, require space,can be noisy, require special training
What is differentiated instruction?
Tailoring instruction to meet individual needs
What are some iPad apps other than “Seesaw and Kidspiration” teachers can use that design learning center activities for reading, writing, and Math?
ABCmouse, Duolingo,Montessori Preschool,Endless Learning Academy
what are some additional tools for teachers who are interested in exploring alternative resources?
Prezi, Flipgrid, Classroom 2.0,Blackboard
What are the best learner centered practices?
Project-Based Learning and Problem-Based Learning, Jigsaw/ Stations / Centers
What are the Advantages of learning centers?
The advantages of learning centers are that they: allow teachers to differentiate instruction
What are Learning Centers?
A learning center is a classroom area that contains a collection of activities or materials designed to teach, reinforce, or extend a particular skill