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The village party

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What kind of costume does Uncle Harry wear?
An octopus
A street
A banana
A lion
Who wins the running race for grandparents?
Sophia's grandmother
Uncle Harry
Harry's grandmother
How long is the party?
8 hours
5 hours
7 hours
6 hours
Who is going to play Rock and Pop music?
Grandpa's band
Who is going to make chocolate milkshakes?
Mrs. Trip
Sophia's dad
Sophia's mum
What kind of food are they going to eat?
Pizzas, pieces of cheese, olives, pasta, salads and sandwiches
What kind of clothes are they going to wear?
Funny costumes or best clothes
What activities are they going to do?
Quizzes, races, competitions
What music are they going to play?
Rock and Pop music
Rock music
Pop music
No music
What day is the village party going to be?
21st of June
21st of May
21st of July
Saturday 14
What are William and Sophia planning to do?
Organise a village party
Organise a funfair
Organise a school party
Go to a dance club