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I dare you to guess!

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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If you go straight on Marcos del Bueno street, you will see there's a place where people go to get help from the police. What's the name of it?
Police station
When I need a hair cut I go to the ...
When it's summer and really hot people go to this shops to eat some delicious food!
Ice cream shop
When I want to do some exercise I go to the ...
People like playing sports especially at weekends, when they have more free time. Where can they go?
Sports centre
Stand next to "Marianas" shop and look at the house with two dogs. Are there any other pets? Count them!
Go straight on Marcos del Bueno street. Try to find a shop with yellow windows and a wooden door with a red sign. This shop sells shoes for both men and women. How do you call this type of shop?
Name fo the shop in English
Stand in front the school and turn right. Walk straight on until you see the traffic lights. Opposite the traffic lights there's a big market. How do we call it?
Cross the street opposite the school. There is a nice shop. They sell clothes for women. What's the name of the shop? Write down your answer!
Name of the shop
Stand outside the school and turn left. Walk straight on until you see a lamp post at the corner. What does it say? Write down your answer!
Picture of the sign