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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Where does digestion start?
In the mouth
What body system and organ do we use to digest food?
The stomach and digestive system
True or false: Eating only vegetables everyday is a healthy balanced diet
False, we need to eat a variety of foods
How can you have a Balanced Diet
Eating foods from different food groups, eating a healthy portion size
True or false: We need to eat a lot of fats and sugars
False, we should only eat a small amount
Fruits and vegetables give us_________ and _________
Vitamins and minerals
Why do we need calcium?
For strong bones and healthy teeth
Why do we need protein?
They help our muscles and body to grow and repair
Why do we need carbohydrates?
They give us energy
What are some of your favorite types of dairy? How do you like to eat them in a meal? 
Yogurt, milk, cheese
What are some of your favorite types of vegetables? How do you like to eat them in a meal? 
Tomato, lettuce, onion, pepper, broccoli etc.
Name 2 foods that are high in fat
Butter, oil, eggs, avocado, nuts, bacon, cheese
What are some of your favorite types of fruit? How do you like to eat them in a meal? 
Apple banana pear orange
What are some of your favorite types of protein? How do you like to eat them in a meal? 
Chicken, beef, turkey, fish, eggs
What are some of your favorite types of grains? How do you like to eat them in a meal? 
Pasta, rice, potatoes, bread, cerealÂ