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Fall WH-Questions

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Would you rather have it be fall all year round or spring all year round?
I would rather have it be ____________.
On Thanksgiving we say what we are thankful for. What is something you are thankful for?
I am thankful for _________________ (my family, friends, pet, house, clothing, food)
Would you rather carve a pumpkin or go in a haunted house for Halloween?
I would rather go in ________________.
Would you rather drink hot chocolate or apple cider on a cold day?
I would rather drink ___________.
What is your favorite type of holiday pie?
I like... (Apple, Pumpkin, Pecan, Cherry) pie.
What sport begins in the fall?
What's round and orange and is used to decorate or carve during the fall season? 
A pumpkin
An orange
Halloween occurs during Fall. Name 3 types of candy. What's your favorite?
 Snickers, M&Ms, Skittles, Candy Corn, Reese's Cup, Gummies, Kit Kat
Thanksgiving occurs during Fall. What is your favorite thing to eat for Thanksgiving?
I like to eat .... (turkey, mashed potatoes, corn, ham, green beans, rolls, pie)
What is the weather like where you live during fall?
It is __________________(cool, warm, breezy)
What colors do you associate with the Fall season?
Red, Orange, Yellow, Brown
What is a fun activity that you like to do in fall?
I like to... (go to a corn maze, carve a pumpkin, go to a haunted house, jump in the leaves, eat pie, go on a hayride)
What is another holiday that occurs during the fall season.
Veteran's Day, Halloween, Thanksgiving
What kind of clothing do you wear on a cool day?
Bathing Suit
What happens to the leaves in fall?
They change colors. They fall off the tree.
They turn green.
In what month does fall begin?