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Animal Riddles

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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This animal is grey. It is bigger than the cow. It is slower than a sheep.
This animal can be white and orange. It has got 2 legs. It is faster than a cow. It is bigger than a chick.
This animal is Shrek's best friend. It is shorter than the horse.
This animal likes bananas. It can jump from tree to tree. It is shorter than a cow. It is faster than hens.
This animal is black and white. It gives you milk. It is slower than the goat and the sheep.
This animal likes carrots. It can jump. It is smaller than a goat. It is slower than a cat
This animal lives in your house. It is louder than cats. It is smaller than the horse
This animal is called the King of the Jungle. It is bigger than cats. It is louder than a sheep.
This animal is yellow and brown. It has a long neck. It is taller than the zebra and the horse.
This animal lives in the ocean. It is bigger than the fish.