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WHI.9 SOL Review

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What type of leader did the Germanic tribes have?
Who stopped the Muslims at the Battle of Tours and why is this significant?
Charles Martel (Charles the Hammer) and because it stopped Muslim expansion into Europe
Describe where each Germanic tribe we've studied (Magyars, Vikings, Angles/Saxons) each came from and migrated to.
M- Central Asia to Central Europe (Hungary) V- Scandinavia to Russia, Iceland, Greenland, and partially N. America A/S- Jutland to England
What language was used by Church scholars? What happened to this language in daily life?
Latin; it died out and was replaced by Romance languages
What defensive structured began to be built during this time and what effect did they have on the feudal system?
Castles; they strengthened it
How was Christianity spread to the Germanic tribes during this time?
What people did Charles Martel, Pepin the Short, and Charlemagne all lead?
The Franks
What type of culture was reinterpreted during the Medieval era?
Roman culture
What does anointed mean? Who would do the anointing and who would receive it?
To be religiously approved by God. The Pope would do it to kings/emperors.
What was a fief? What role did it play in feudalism?
The "grant/gift of land". If you received a fief, you would give your loyalty and service in return to the lord who gave the fief to you.
What trait about the Viking homeland possibly prompted them to search for new areas?
A lack of arable land
What is a manor? Describe how it is self-sufficient.
A town or village that is controlled by a lord. All the people need, they can provide for themselves in the manor.
What two other names are the Middle Ages known by?
Medieval Era (Ages) and Dark Ages
What was excommunication? Who could do it and who were sometimes targeted?
To be cut out from the Church (essentially a sentence to Hell). The Pope could and he would often target political leaders (kings) if they displeased him.
What necessitated the creation of manors and feudalism in Europe? (Hint: Without these, the common people wouldn't need so much protection...)
Germanic invasions
What was very important in political life during the Middle Ages and was the main unifying force in Western Europe?
The Roman Catholic Church
What three things did the emperor Charlemagne build throughout his empire?
Schools, churches, and roads
What made someone a vassal? What did you give in return for what you gained?
Land "ownership"; you gave loyalty/service in return for your fief