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Early Middle Ages

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What is the difference between excommunication and interdict?
One person vs. whole community kicked out of the church
What three men fought for the right to rule England in 1066?
Harold Goodwinson, Harald Hardrada, William the Norman/Conquerer
Name two kings who practiced mass conversion.
Clovis, Charles Martel, Charlemagne
Name 5 Gothic features.
thin walls, stained glass, ribbed vaults, rosettes, buttresses, decorations, ...
What was the three-fold purpose of the batter?
Stability to the wall, keeping siege towers away, angling dropped items toward the attackers
What dangers do you need to be careful of in the gatehouse?
murder holes
Name three possibilities for breaching the curtain wall.
Trebuchets, siege towers, Battering Ram, (Greek Fire)
What animals sometimes swam in the water moats?
What was simony?
selling/buying a church position
Who read and wrote in the Middle Ages?
Clergy, maybe a noble
What were the stages of an apprenticeship?
apprentice - journeyman - master (guild?)
What food item often started on the castle table and ended up on the peasant table?
trenchers (bread plates)
Name two things people did for entertainment?
Went hunting, played games, listened to troubadours, …
Which people invaders often targeted monasteries?
What was the exact date of Charlemagne’s coronation?
Christmas Day, 800 AD
Which three people were chivalrous knights supposed to fight for?
Lord, lord, and lady
Why was a 3-field system better than a 2-field system?
more reliable crops every year
What training did a knight go through?
Page at age 7, squire to a knight at age 13, knight at 21
What was life like at the bottom of the feudalism pyramid?
Peasants, worked land, paid tribute
Why did being a member of the clergy equal having power?
authority among the people, access to education, working for God
Why was Charlemagne the ideal emperor for many?
Frankish king, devout Christian, Roman emperor
Who was Charles the Hammer Martel?
Frankish king who stopped Muslim advance at Battle of Tours
What was invented that made horses useful in farming?
a new harness
When the Huns invaded, what happened to the other European tribes?
they were pushed westward