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Saint Patrick's Day

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Which are the three colours that compose the Irish flag?
Green, white, and orange.
What do snakes represent?
Which is St. Patrick's Day popular dish?
Corned beef with cabbage.
How many times did the Irish have to boil corned beef?
Three times.
Can you name two music instruments used in Irish traditional music?
The fiddle, the tin whistle, the uilleann pipe, the harp.
Where do the leprechauns hide their treasure?
At the end of the rainbow.
If you ever caught a leprechaun, what could you ask him for?
You could ask for his pot of gold or for three wishes.
Which was the original St. Patrick's Day colour?
Which was the first American city to celebrate St. Patrick's Day?
Which American city dyes its river green on St. Patrick's Day?
Explain what a Shamrock is.
It is a small, green plant with three leaves that became an Irish symbol.
Where did St. Patrick's Day become a party day?
In the USA.
Name 7 green things
Which year did the Great Hunger start?
It started in 1845.
Why did the Irish emigrate to the USA in the 19th century?
They were starving because of the Great Famine.
Which is Ireland's capital?
How was St. Patrick's Day originally celebrated?
The Irish went to the church and prayed to their patron saint.
Have there ever been snakes in Ireland?
There have never been any snakes in Ireland.
Which animal did St. Patrick expelled from Ireland?
Which elements compose the Holy Trinity?
The Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost.
What did St. Patrick used to explain the Holy Trinity?
The shamrock.
Which religion did St. Patrick spread?
What happened to St. Patrick when he was a young boy?
He was kidnapped by bandits and brought to Ireland.
Who is Saint Patrick?
He is Ireland's patron saint.
Which day is St. Patrick's Day celebrated?
It is celebrated on 17th March.