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Transformations. Complete units 1 to 5. B

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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She can’t go out if she doesn’t promise to be back early. UNLESS She can’t go out ______ back early.
unless she promises to be
I can’t fail any subjects or else my parents punish me. IF My parents ____ any subjects.
will punish me if I fail / punish me if I fail
We didn’t win the cup because our best players weren’t playing. COULD We ____ if our best players had been playing.
could have won the cup
12. They were working all day, so they are really tired now. WORKING If _____ all day, they wouldn’t be tired now.
they hadn't been working / they had not been working
The bee won’t sting as long as you stay still. PROVIDED The bee _____ stay still.
won't sting provided you / will not sting provided you
The meal won’t be tasty if you don’t add spices. UNLESS The meal won’t be tasty _____ spices.
unless you add
She went home early because she was exhausted. NOT She ______ early if she hadn’t been exhausted.
would not have gone home
She didn’t take part in the play because she is too shy. WOULD If she weren’t so shy, she ______ the play.
would have taken part in
You’d better see a doctor. YOU If _____ see a doctor.
I were you, I would
It’s impossible for us not to laugh when we act together. HELP We _____ when we act together.
can't help laughing
Talking to him is a waste of time. WORTH It ______ to him.
is not worth talking / isn't worth talking
It is the same to sit for the exam in groups of two or groups of three. DIFFERENCE It ____ to sit for the exam in groups of two or groups of three.
makes no difference
They continued working although they were tired. STOP They ____ although they were tired.
did not stop working / didn't stop working
She didn’t like Sara. She invited her to the party. SPITE She invited Sara to the party ____ that she didn’t like her.
in spite of the fact
I was exhausted but I went to the party all the same. HOWEVER I was ____ I went to the party.
exhausted. However,
I didn’t go to school this morning. I didn’t see Muriel. HAVE If I had gone to school this morning, I _____Muriel.
would have seen
If you organize everything well, you won’t be so nervous. LESS The more organized you are, ______ you’ll be.
the less nervous
Pierre spoke too quickly for us to understand. THAT Pierre spoke ____ couldn’t understand him.
so quickly that we
I was much more nervous than my son. NERVOUS My son was far ____ me.
less nervous than