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JS5 U78 Day 24

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Snow and ice sometimes turn to gas in really cold weather, True or False?
True, it's called sublimation
What is a hill station?
Places built high up to help avoid summer heat
Plants sweat like humans do, true or false?
True, it's called transpiration
Can you see water vapor at home?
Yes, when water is boiling
Condensation is when water in the sky falls back to earth, True or False?
False, that's precipitation
When water heats up where does it go? The ground or the sky?
The sky, it goes up
Clouds are made of water, true or false?
I’m hard but I’m not a stone I’m cold but I don’t need a coat If I get warmed up I change appearance but I’m not popcorn I get put in drinks but I’m not a straw I’m made of H20 but I’m not running wate
I come down but never go up, what am I?
I can be sparkling but I’m not a star I can run but I don’t have any legs I can fall but I don’t get hurt I’m found in a bath but I’m not a rubber duck I can help you clean but I’m not soap