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Phone Skills

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Role Play: Make a phone call to invite your friend to the movies.
Answers Vary
Role Play: Make a phone call to find out what time the library closes today.
Answers Vary
Role Play: Make a phone call to find out the business hours of Safeway today.
Answers Vary
Role Play: Make a phone call to report an absence at school.
Answers Vary
Role Play: Make a phone call to schedule a dentist appointment.
Answers Vary
Role Play: Make a phone call to order a large pepperoni pizza.
Answers vary
When answering the phone, should you give out personal information if you do not know the caller?
Why is it important to write down information from the caller when taking a message?
So that you do not forget any of the information
Why is it important to be polite when answering the phone? Are you polite?
Answers vary
When calling someone why shouldn’t you talk too long?
The person you are calling might have other things to do
How often do you call someone on the phone?
Answers Vary
Should you ever hang up without first saying goodbye?
No - give an example of how you could end the call
What should you do if you accidentally dial the wrong telephone number?
Say - I'm sorry, I dialed the wrong number.
I’m sorry, but John isn’t here right now. Can I take a ______________?
When you finish talking on the phone, you should ______________ the phone.
Hang Up
How will phones be different 100 years in the future?
Answers Vary
How many phone numbers can you remember?
Answers Vary
Do you like talking on the phone? Why?
Answers Vary