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Lara and the mountain lion

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Why do Lara's cousins laugh at her red face?
She is weaker than they are.
What's the photo on Lara's desk like?
It's of a young girl and a mountain lion.
Why does Lara become a vet?
Because she becomes friends with a mountain lion
How often does Lara go back to the same special space to see the mountain lion?
Every year
How do Lara's cousins react when they see that she arrives at the top of the mountain before them?
They are surprised. They never laugh at her again.
How does the lion help Lara?
It takes her up the mountain its back.
What illnesses does the mountain lion have?
Toothache, headache, stomach-ache, temperature
What are Lara's cousins like?
unkind, good at snowboarding and climbing
What is Lara like?
She's weak / She's often ill / She's not good at skiing, snowboarding and climbing
How did Lara feel when she was George's age?
What is Lara's job?
A vet