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1st Grade Social Skills

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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You see a bug in your room. What kind of problem is this? Small, medium, big?
Medium problem you made need help from an adult
Mom asks you do a chore you've never done before. What can you do?
Try to do the chore, remember you can ask for help or take a break!
You have to take a really long car ride. What can you do to make the ride more fun?
Play on your tablet, play I-spy, talk about what you see
Somebody offers food that you don't like. What can you do?
Say no thank you or I already ate. Be polite!
Name 1 coping skill
answer varies
You're having a hard time getting your shirt on and you're feeling frustrated. What can you do?
Ask for help, take a break and try again
Your game won't load, and you don't know what to do. Is this a big, medium, or small problem? Bonus: What can you do?
Medium-you might need an adult to help. Bonus: Ask for help
You don't like what mom said, so, you call her silly. How does she feel?
sad, disappointed, upset
You're playing Roblox and grandma asks you to take the trash out. What could you do?
Politely ask for one more minute or just do it and get it done!
You love talking about dinosaurs, and your friend loves talking about knights. What can you do?
Take turns talking about favorite things
Writing sentences for homework is hard. What can you do?
take a break, ask for help, squeeze a stuffy
Somebody says "Hi" to you at school. What should you do?
Say hi back!