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Jamie's Farm

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Do teens learn valuable lessons at Jamie's farm?
Yes, they do! And most of them appreciate these lessons.
What's the point of horse whispering sessions?
How to speak calmly and with authority, but not with anger.
What fun activities are there on the farm?
They jump on the river, they play the egg-throwing game, horse whispering, etc.
Do these teens have any experience of country life?
Not at all! Some of them have never been there.
What do the teens have to stop doing when they arrive?
They can't use their phones for a week and they can't eat sugar.
Does everyone feel happy when they arrive at the farm?
Not really, there are mixed feelings.
What's the farm's goal?
To have a place in the country for teens with emotional difficulties to stay at.
Who set up the farm?
Jamie Felden and his mother Tish.
What strategies do they use to "save" the environment?
Raising animals, consuming solar energy, recycling waste and using natural resources.
Name the items in the teens' lunch.
Organic produce, fresh vegetables, salads, puddings, etc.
When and where is their next lunch break?
At 1 pm in the farmhouse.
At the beginning of the text, what are the teens doing outside?
Chopping wood and cleaning out the animal's living areas.