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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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How often do I need to change my sheets?
every week
once a month
every other week
when they start to smell
Renting an apartment is a huge step. How much money do you usually need?
first month, last month and a deposit
none, I pay at the end of the month
one months rent
pay for the entire year upfront
Time to see the dentist. What information is not needed to make an appointment?
what magazines they have
when you are available
what insurance you have
how long the appointment will take
I'm hungry. Which is not a good way to save money at the grocery store?
shop hungry
by off brand foods
make a list and stick to it
buy produce in small quantities that you can use quickly
Flat tire! What do you do after pulling over in a safe location?
loosen the lug nuts
kick the car
use the jack to lift the car
call 911
Oops didn't stick to the budget. What is the fee the bank charges me called?
When should I change the oil in my car?
every 3,000 miles
when the check engine light comes on
when it starts to sound funny
once a year
Too many plug ins caused an electrical fire. What don't you do?
douse it with water
use a fire extinguisher
call 911
leave the house
Cooking is dangerous. What do you do if you burn your hand
run it under cold water
call 911
put a bandage on it
put butter on it
I'm out of here. How much notice should you give before quitting?
2 weeks
1 day
1 month
2 days
Oh no, you lost your wallet. What do you do next?
cCancel all credit cards, get a new ID, watch for fraud
do nothing, there was no money anyway
replace the drivers license
accuse people in the store of stealing it
2 parties in the same day! How do you handle it?
spend a little time at both parties.
stay home, who needs friends
tell one person you are sick and go to the other party
invite both friends to your own party
Laundry is clean. What is the last thing we do with laundry?
fold it and put it away
shove the clothes back in the basket
dump them in the dresser
leave them in the dryer
Extra money this month! Treat yourself by dining out. What should you tip the wait staff?
Budgeting is essential. What is a fixed expense?
vacation fund
You live on your own so you have to remember to pay rent. When is rent usually due?
1st of the month
15th of the month
rent doesn't have a fixed due date
last day of the month
If you keep on top of your credit card payments, your credit score will be stellar. What is considered a good credit score?
What is a discretionary expense?
video games
gas & electricity
You made to much dinner. How long can you keep leftovers in the fridge?
3-7 days
1 day
10-14 days
7-10 days
What is the best way to use a credit card?
pay off your balance in full each month
don't have one
pay off one with another
max it out and pay the minimum each month
Your clothes are starting to stink. What is not a step to doing the laundry
add bleach to each load
choose the correct temperature
separate whites from colors
add detergent
Car maintenance is important. What do you use to check the oil?
stick thingy
windshield wipers
Time to clean. What should you do when mopping the floor?
sweep it first
use cold water
spill coffee on it
Windex it
Your battery just died. What do you need to jump your car?
jumper cables and another vehicle
a tow truck
electrical cord and outlet
jump starter and tractor
Your fridge is empty, time to go to the store. Which is not one of the food groups
Time to get a job. What should you do at a job interview?
all of the above
prepare for common interview questions
dress Professionally
ask questions about the company, job and industry