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WHI.5 SOL Review

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What is the Greek word for "city-state"?
What building was constructed during the Golden Age of Pericles in Athens, why was it built, and what land feature was it atop?
The Parthenon, to thank Athena for her help in the Persian Wars, and it was on the acropolis
What war had the battle of Marathon, Thermopylae, and Salamis, what were the two sides, and which side won?
The Persian Wars, a unified Greece vs. Persia, the Greeks won
What word mean "political" and what word meant "economic" that were a main focus of Greek life?
Civic and commerce
Two parts: What word meant Greek culture? What word meant the center of the Greek cities?
Hellenic; Agora
Name three waterways and three land features on the map.
Aegean Sea, Ionian Sea, Dardanelles Strait, Black Sea, Crete, Macedonia, Thrace, Asia Minor, Peloponnesian Peninsula
Assign the following Greeks to their correct field of study. Thucydides, Pythagoras, Aristotle, Aeschylus, Hippocrates Possible fields: Philosophy, History, Mathematics, Drama, Medicine
Thucydides- History Pythagoras- Mathematics Aristotle- Philosophy Aeschylus- Drama Hippocrates- Medicine
Assign the following Greeks to their correct field of study. Sophocles, Herodotus, Phidias, Homer, and Plato Possible fields: Philosophy, History, Sculpture, Drama, Poetry
Sophocles- Drama Herodotus- History Phidias- Sculpture Homer- Poetry Plato- Philosophy
Who conquered all of Greece during the Macedonian Expansion? Who took power after his father was killed and went on to conquer the known world, including the Persian Empire?
Phillip II and Alexander the Great
What group from the north attacked the Greeks after their weakening in the Peloponnesian War?
Who was an Athenian statesman who helped rebuild Athens after the Persian Wars and ushered in a period of unrivaled cultural achievement?
What war was fought between the Delian League and Peloponnesian Leagues over control of the Hellenic world? Which city-state led each alliance?
The Peloponnesian War. Athens led the Delian League and Sparta led the Peloponnesian League.
What united the Athenians and Spartans together for a period of time?
The Persian invasion
What were the four forms of government Athens had (in order)?
Monarchy, Aristocracy, Tyranny, and Democracy
What form of government did Athens have? What about Sparta? Explain each.
Direct Democracy- citizens vote on issues the state faces with a "yes" or "no" vote. Oligarchy- a small group of rulers/kings rule collectively together.
What three groups had no political rights/power in Greek society?
Women, slaves, and foreigners.
Explain what each of the following gods/goddess rule over in Greek Mythology. Artemis, Athena, and Aphrodite
Nature and the Hunt, Wisdom and Battle Strategy, and Love and Desire
Explain what each of the following gods/goddess rule over in Greek Mythology. Zeus, Hera, and Apollo
King of Gods/Thunder, Queen of Gods/Marriage and Childbirth, and Light/Music/Medicine
Give two of the three things that Greek Mythology explained in Greek culture.
Natural phenomena, human qualities, and life events
What two things did all Greeks have in common?
Greek language and belief in Greek Mythology
What caused the Greeks to develop into city-states instead of a unified nation/empire?
The geography (mountains)
Identify all of the city-states on the map from west to east.
Olympia, Sparta, Athens, Troy