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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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When can we have sugary food?
Before 4 or 5pm/ in small quantities/ not daily
What happens to our brain when we eat sugary food?
Brain gets active and happy/ Rise in Dopamine/ Brains wants more sugary food
Look at the picture given. Is it saturated fats or unsaturated fats?
Unsaturated fats
Bad fats are called .......................
Saturated fats
Name the two types of Unhealthy food
Fats and Sugar
Give an example of food made from grains.
Roti, rice, bread, pasta, pancakes
Which food group helps our muscles grow and recover
Vegetables and fruits give us ....................
Vitamins and Minerals
Dairy gives us ..........
Name the 5 food groups.
Vegetables, Fruits, Protein, Grains, Dairy
How many food groups are there in a balanced diet?
Look at the picture given. Healthy or Unhealthy! Why?
Look at the picture given. Healthy or Unhealthy! Why?
Look at the picture given. Healthy or Unhealthy! Why?
Look at the picture given. Healthy or Unhealthy! Why?
Look at the picture given. Healthy or Unhealthy! Why?
Look at the picture given. Healthy or Unhealthy! Why?
Look at the picture given. Is this a balanced diet?
Look at the picture given. Is this a balanced diet?
Give any 2 reasons why nutrition is important
Gives us energy, Helps our body grow strong, Protects from diseases, Maintain a healthy weight and BMI
What is Nutrition?
Food and drink that provide energy/ eating a healthy and balanced diet