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Know the Zones

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What is something that you can do to help get into the green zone?
Answers will vary!
What zone are in you right now and why?
Answers will vary!
Describe a time recently when you were in the red zone
Answers will vary!
When we are feeling low energy, what zone are we in?
Blue Zone
What is an example of a behavior in the red zone?
yelling, screaming, breaking things, slamming doors, saying things without thinking
What does being in the blue zone look like and feel like for you?
Answers will vary!
Name 2 red zone emotions
angry, furious, terrified, out of control
Describe a time you were in the blue zone
Answers will vary!
When are you often in the green zone?
Answers will vary!
Name two green zone feelings
happy, calm, content, fine, relaxed
In which zone is it difficult to do problem-solving?
Red Zone
Describe a time you were in the yellow zone
Answers will vary!
Name two yellow zone feelings
excited, worried, embarrassed, frustrated, annoyed, scared
Is nervous a yellow zone emotion or a blue zone emotion?
Yellow Zone!
Desrcibe a time you were in the red zone
Answers will vary!
Name two blue zone feelings
sad, tired, bored, exhausted