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Winter Clues

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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You drink me in the winter. I'm made with eggs and I'm thick. Pour me into a mug and add a cinnamon stick.
I'm part of a home. I'm tall and strong. You'll see smoke coming out when the crackling fire is on.
I'm a useful tool to have when the temperature drops low. I'll give you information when it's warm or ten below.
On a cold winter night, I'm a warm meal to eat. I can be made of broth and noodles. Grab a spoon and take your seat!
Put me on and zip me up! I have a hood for your head too. I come in many colors. I'm a source of warmth for you.
Winter Coat
I hatch and I waddle all around. I have wings but I can't fly. I slide on the icy ground.
I'm a large arctic animal. My fur is soft and white. I eat fish and seals and even sleep in snow at night.
Polar Bear
I'm tall and I have needles. I stay green all year long. You'll find me in the forest outside where I belong.
Pine Tree
I'm made of yarn. I'm long and soft and nice. Wrap me around your neck, I'll keep it warm in snow and ice.
I'm warm and have sturdy soles. I go everywhere you go because I'm strapped on your feet as you stomp though the snow.
Snow boots
I'm made of snow. I have a hat and a smile. I'm not alive and I'll melt after awhile.
Keeping hands toasty warm is what I'm all about. Slip me over your fingers before you go out.