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WHII.4a- European Exploration

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Who was the only explorer we studied for England and what did he accomplish?
Francis Drake; First Englishman to circumnavigate the globe and helped defeat Spanish Armada
What river did Jacques Cartier explore and what nation did he sail for?
St. Lawrence; France
What does "circumnavigate" mean and which explorer is known for being the first to accomplish this? (His crew did it at least...)
To sail around the world and Ferdinand Magellan
What nation did Cortez defeat and what nation did he sail for?
The Aztec Empire; Spain
What explorer defeated the Incan Empire?
Francisco Pizarro
What explorer "discovered" the Americas and sailed for Spain?
Christopher Columbus
What culture did Europeans learn navigational skills from during this time?
Explain why European nations wanted to have more colonies than the others.
What group was responsible for spreading Catholicism to the New World?
Jesuits (Society of Jesus)
What type of physical things did Europeans want to find in the New World? (Name at least two)
Gold, spices, and natural resources
What Portuguese explorer was the first European to sail around Africa to India?
Vasco da Gama
What country did Prince Henry sail for?
What European explored further south along the African coast than ever before?
Prince Henry the Navigator