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Human Body System

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What is asthma?
Inflammation of the bronchi and bronchioles
How does the inflammatory response affect the body?
Raises temp to kill antigens
What is pneumonia?
Fluid in the alveoli
Unoxygenated blood coming from the body towards the heart travels through what type of blood vessel?
What is the proper name of your upper arm bone?
What is the proper name of your jaw bone?
What is the proper name of the chest plate?
Tendons connect ___________ to bones.
What is scoliosis?
Curvature of the spine
What waste product does the skin excrete?
Lymph nodes in your neck are apart of what body system?
Immune System
Amylase is a part of chemical digestion and breaks down carbohydrates. What type of molecule is Amylase?
The respiratory system takes in oxygen and carries it to cells to perform what process that creates ATP (energy)?
Cellular Respiration
What is the hollow ball of cells called after 5 days of fertilization?
What are the 2 main layers of the skin?
Epidermis and Dermis
HIV attacks what type of cell in the body?
White Blood Cells
If you have the hiccups, you have muscles contractions in what muscle?
What is the function of platelets?
To clot blood (to form scabs)
What is the proper term for the kneecap?
What is believed to have been the function of the appendix?
To breakdown raw food and bacteria
What does the suffix "itis" mean?
What is mechanical digestion?
Physical breakdown of food into smaller pieces
What is the name of the round muscles that are in the top of the stomach, the bottom of the bladder, and the top of the anus?
How many rounds of cell division does a cell go through to complete the process of meiosis?
Is a body cell of a dog has 44 chromosomes, how many chromosomes would the daughter cell have after undergoing mitosis?
If a body cell of a penguin has 18 chromosomes, how many chromosomes would the daughter cell have undergoing meiosis?
What are the 3 types of muscle tissue?
Skeletal, Smooth, Cardiac
What is melanin?
A protein that gives your skin color and protects your skin from UV radiation.
HIV attacks what types of cell in the Immune System?
White Blood Cell
What is the function of the bone marrow?
Stem cells can create new blood cells.
What is the function of the tonsils and adenoids?
To trap bacteria.
What are the proteins that remember a previous sickness and tell the body how to fight it?
Name 2 of the 4 1st defense of your Immune System?
Skin, Mucus, Saliva, Stomach Acid,
What are the air sacs at the end of the bronchiole that exchange gases?
What is the proper term for the vocal chords?
What is Sickle Cell Anemia?
The blood cells are the wrong shape so they can't carry oxygen properly and they can cause clots.
What are capillaries?
Link arteries and veins
What carries oxygenated blood away from the heart?
What is the function of Red Blood Cells?
To carry oxygen and carbon dioxide.
What is the proper name for the wrist bones?
What is the proper name for your fingers and toes?
What is the proper name for your collarbone?
What is osteoporosis?
Brittle bones that break easily.
Name 3 of the 5 functions of your skeletal system?
Structure/Support, Protection, Movement, Makes blood, Storage of minerals
Ureters are tubes that connect _____________ to the bladder.
What is the function of the kidneys?
To filter blood
What is the function of the Large Intestine?
Absorbs excess water from undigested food.
What is the function of the caecum (small pouch at beginning of large intestine)?
Helps break down vegetables
What is chemical digestion?
Enzymes in saliva start to breakdown food into smaller pieces.
What is the flap that covers the trachea and keeps food from going into the respiratory system?