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Facing The Lion Chapter 5 Review

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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The text states the school was "very simple". Describe what the classroom looked like.
no chairs or desks, children sat on the ground
The fact that Lemasolai runs from the lion when he is younger, but than decides to face the school bully shows he...
...is becoming braver as he grows and he learns from mistakes.
Did Lemasolia reject his own culture when the missionaries told it was wrong?
No, he always wanted his own culture to be number one!
What is a shifta?
poachers who kill wild animals for money
Why did Lemasolia often have to walk extremely far distances to visit his family?
The school stayed in one place, but his village moved around because they are nomads.
Lemasolai got a pair of tennis shoes as a prize for doing what?
For being one of the best students in his class!
When Lemasolai was baptized the missionaries changed his name to...
How old were children in Kenya supposed to be to go to school at this time?
Lamatarion (Lemasolai's brother) didn't want to go to school. Where did he hide out while trying to avoid school?
A hyena's hole
The government of Kenya made a law that all nomadic families must...
send one child to school.