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WHII.4 SOL Review

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What did William Harvey discover?
The circulation of the blood
Who formulated the law of gravity?
Isaac Newton
Galileo ________ used his telescope to support ___________ theory.
Galilei; heliocentric
Who discovered that the planets travel in elliptical paths, not circles as previously thought?
Johannes Kepler
What is Nicolaus Copernicus known for developing?
The heliocentric theory
What did the importation of large amounts of silver/gold from the New World do to Spain's economy?
Caused massive inflation
What was the trade of goods between Europe, Africa, and the Americas called?
The Triangle Trade
What was the spread of ideas, goods, diseases, and more from the eastern to/from western hemispheres?
Columbian Exchange
The ______________ Plan was designed for the Spanish to protect and educate the indigenous peoples of the Americas, but essentially became glorified slavery.
What continent is known for attempting to limit European contact by setting up enclaves or practicing isolationism?
Where were trading posts established (geographically) in Africa and Asia? Why?
Along the coast; easy access for trade/reinforcement
What were imported to Africa that allowed some societies in Africa to control and subjugate other groups?
Describe who were lost in Africa due to the slave trade.
Fittest members of society
Give two exports of Africa.
Ivory, gold, slaves, salt
What were established by the British, Portuguese, and Dutch to expand into Africa and Asia and had the power to wage war, sign treaties, and establish trade deals?
Trading companies
Who explored the St. Lawrence river in modern day Canada and what nation did he sail for?
Jacques Cartier
Who was the first Englishman to circumnavigate the globe and helped Elizabeth I defeat the Spanish Armada?
Francis Drake
Who led the first crew to circumnavigate the globe and what nation did he sail for?
Ferdinand Magellan; Spain
Who sailed for Spain and is credited with destroying the Incan Empire?
Francisco Pizarro
Who sailed for Spain and destroyed the Aztec Empire?
Hernando Cortez
Who was a Portuguese sailor who was the first European to sail around Africa to Asia?
Vasco da Gama
Who was a Portuguese pioneer of nautical exploration, helping Europeans to establish navigation schools and explore further than ever before?
Prince Henry the Navigator