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WHII.14a,b- African Independence Movements (+ In ...

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What became illegal in India after the creation of their 1950 Constitution, although it is still practiced in many places?
Caste system
What political party has ruled in India for the better part of a decade?
Indian National Congress
What two religions are dominant in the Indian subcontinent today?
Hinduism and Islam
Who was a close associate of Gandhi who pushed for the modernization of India?
Jawaharlal Nehru
The British _______ ruled over all of the Indian subcontinent with the help of many members of the upper class in India.
Who was famous for practicing passive resistance and fought to free all of the Indian subcontinent from British rule?
Mahatma (Mohandas) Gandhi
Those living in Africa were exploited by what type of nations?
Who was Kenya's first prime minister after gaining independence?
Jomo Kenyatta
What is the definition of "apartheid" and what nation was known for having it?
Legal racism; South Africa
Who led South Africans in their struggle for independence?
Nelson Mandela
Jomo Kenyatta sought to gain freedom for Kenya from ________ through ________ means after the failed and violent Mau Mau uprising.
Britain; legal
What nation ruled over Algeria before their war of independence from 1954-62?
The United States and the U.S.S.R. both sought to make ______ of the newly formed African nations because the two superpowers were at that time engaged in the _______.
allies; Cold War
What type of transition did most western African nations make during the 20th century?
Which of the following countries did not lose colonies in Africa?
Belgium, France, Spain, Great Britain, Portugal
Many African cultures were very (dependent, proud, old, secular) which led to them demanding independence.
The U.N. charter guaranteed the right to _________ for all African colonies which led to demands for independence.