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Coping Skills & Stress Management

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What is your favorite thing to learn about or do during classes?
What are some things you might do if you are a people pleaser?
Name 1 suicide warning sign.
Name 3 symptoms / signs of OCD.
True or False: Bipolar disorder and having multiple personalities are the same thing.
What do you find yourself thinking about most often?
Name 1 good thing you think someone would say about you.
Where do you see yourself in a year?
What does success mean to you?
Name 1 good quality of the person to your left.
Do you do well with change? If not, how do you cope with it?
Name 2 good qualities about yourself.
What does hope mean to you?
Name 3 things that make you angry.
What kind of music do you listen to when you're stressed?
What happens when you bottle up your anger over time?
What is 1 good / nice thing you can do for someone else today?
Make your own positive affirmation.
Name 1 thing you are looking forward to.
What is the best thing that has happened to you this past week?
Name 3 things that could cause someone to feel sad.
Name 3 things you are grateful for.
What is something that frustrates you?
What does having support mean to you?
True or False: You should always just avoid your feelings until they go away.
True or False: Humans are wired for connection.
Do you feel overall satisfied with your life? Why or why not?
Name one of your values. Are you living by it?
True or False: You can only have one mental illness at a time.
What does SMART stand for when I say, "goals that you set need to be SMART?"
Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Reasonable, Time-Bound
What is a good habit that you would like to form?
What are your hobbies? If you don't have any, what would you consider trying?
True or False: If the same bad thing happened to 3 people, all of them would end up with PTSD.
What is a trigger?
What does "mental health" mean to you?
What is one change you can make to your daily life to be healthier?
True or False: Using "I" statements and saying "no" means you are using passive communication skills.
True or False: You should stop taking your medicine if you start to feel better.
What do you think of when you think of bipolar disorder?
Name 3 symptoms / signs of schizophrenia.
Name 3 symptoms / signs of depression.
Name 3 symptoms / signs of anxiety.
What coping skills do you use when you are anxious?
What coping skills do you use when you're angry?
What coping skills do you use when you're depressed?
What is a coping skill you use often that helps you the most?
Where is a place that you can go and feel calm?
What is one thing that usually causes you stress?
Who is one person that you can talk to when you are feeling overwhelmed?
True or False: Taking your anger out on someone else is a good coping skill.
True or False: Writing down your feelings is a good coping skill.
True or False: Talking about your problem with someone you trust is a good coping skill.
Someone says something hateful to you. What do you do?
When you get frustrated with something, instead of giving up, what can you do?
What is something that you worry about often?
Name one thing you are in control of in life and one thing you are not.
What is something you would like to get better at?
What is a bad habit you have that you would like to stop?
Complete this sentence: I wish I could change...
What is something that you usually avoid?