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Reported Speech. Evening Group

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Veronica: "I wasn't doing anything."
Veronica said that she hadn't been doing anything.
Emi: "I had booked my tickets three months in advance."
Emi said that she had booked her tickets three months in advance.
Juan Pablo: "I want to win the lottery."
Juan Pablo said that he wanted to win the lottery.
Alvaro: "I watched Titanic last night."
Alvaro said that he had watched Titanic the previous night. (/ the night before)
Isabel: "My tortilla is the best!"
Isabel said that her tortilla was the best.
It's a summer day, you're at the beach with Natalia. You suddenly realize you have forgotten your sunscreen! - Natalia: You are going to get sunburned!
Natalia said that I was going to get sunburned.
Sara says this to YOU: I will hit you if you don't stop making that horrible noise.
Sara said that she would hit me if I didn't stop making that horrible noise.
Alvaro's mum asked him to go to the supermarket. Alvaro is playing videogames and doesn't want to do it. - Alvaro: I'm not going to go to the supermarket, mum!
Alvaro told his mum that he wasn't going to go the supermarket.
It's Sara's birthday next week. Sara: 'Hey Antonia Maria, it's my birthday next Friday."
Sara told Antonia Maria that it was her birthday the following week.
Celia sees a car accident happening in front of his eyes. Celia: 'I will call 112!'
Celia said that she would call 112.
Isabel's boss suspects that she is stealing money. Isabel: "I didn't steal that money!"
Isabel said that she hadn't stolen that money."
Arnold: I must do my best to teach you English.
Arnold said he must do his best to teach us/me English
Natalia: I can speak English very well.
Natalia said that she could speak English very well.
Veronica: I'm going to Madrid tomorrow.
Veronica said that she was going to Madrid the next day.
Emi: I bought a new car yesterday.
Emi said that she had bought a new car the day before.
Celia: I like candy.
Celia said that she liked candy.
Antonia Maria: I am studying English.
Antonia Maria said that she was studying English.
Veronica: I will pay you back tomorrow!
Veronica said that she would pay me back tomorrow.
Sara: I will help you.
Sara said that she would help me.
Emi: I'm happy.
Emi said that she was happy.