
Fruit riddles

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  • I am a fruit. If you take away the first letter of my name I become a crime. Take away the first two letters of my name I become an animal. Take away the first and last letter of my name and I become a form of music. What am I?
  • This is a type of small fruit which is smaller than your hand. Fuzzy outside, green inside Often comes from New Zealand
    Kiwi Fruit
  • I can be green or purple. People use me for making wine.
  • You can eat me or you can drink me. I am juicy.
  • I am green and red. I am round. I am very juicy. You have to cut me open.
  • This fruit is made of two words conjoined. The first part of it is also a tree. The second part is a different fruit. And goes on a pizza from Hawaii
  • I am very small and round. My color is part of my name.
  • I am yellow. I am long. I grow in trees. Monkeys eat them.
  • I am round and red. I can come in different colors like green or yellow.
  • I grow where it is warm and sunny. My name and color are the same.