
CELT-P M7 - Definitions of key terms

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  • This means giving learners help and support as they receive and produce new language or content. We use this term to refer to simplifying our language so that learners can understand and answer more easily.
  • his stands for Higher Order Thinking Skills (analysing, evaluating and creating)
  • What do TTT and STT stand for?
    Teacher talking time and student talking time. It is important in the classroom to find a good balance between TTT and STT.
  • This stands for Lower Order Thinking Skills (basic level skills are the skills of remembering, understanding and applying)
  • This means understanding and respecting differences and similarities between cultures and countries.
    Intercultural understanding
  • These are questions that can be answered in one or a few words. For example, Are you hot? The answer is either "yes", "no" or, perhaps, "a little".
    Closed questions
  • The framework elaborated by Bloom and his collaborators consisted of six major categories: Knowledge, Comprehension, Application, Analysis, Synthesis, and Evaluation.
    Taxonomy of Educational Objectives, familiarly known as Bloom’s Taxonomy
  • This stands for Content and Language Integrated Learning
  • These are questions where the person asking the question knows the answer. For example, a teacher holds up a picture of a cat and asks "What’s this?"
    Display questions
  • This is when many different types of thing or people are included in something. In teaching it means accepting and including the differences between learners in the classroom.
  • When teachers give learners time to answer questions in English
    Wait time
  • These are questions where the person asking the question does not know the answer. If the teacher asks "Who has a cat as a pet?", this is a real question (assuming the teacher doesn’t know the answer)
    Real questions
  • These are questions that need a bit more thought and longer answers. Often these are "Why?" questions, and others asking for an opinion or some kind of personal information, like "What are you doing after school today?"
    Open questions
  • This is saying something again but with different words.