
Perspective Taking

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  • Roey & Kevin are talking about a movie that they want to go see. Another student walks by and says "Hey, I saw that movie!" The student then tells them all about the movie, including how it ends! How do you think Roey & Kevin feel?
    Roey & Kevin might feel annoyed that the other student spoiled the movie
  • Dominic and Luc are playing basketball after school. Luc is winning by 5 points! Dominic tries to shoot the ball, but he misses. Dominic yells, "I don't want to play anymore, basketball is the worst!" How do you think Dominic feels?
    He might feel upset, frustrated, annoyed, embarrassed
  • Tyler & Dom are super excited to eat pizza for lunch. When they get to the cafeteria, they see that there is only 1 slice of pizza but lots of hot dogs. Tyler says, "You can have the pizza, Dom. I like hotdogs too, so I don't mind!"
    Dom might say thank you. Dom might offer to split the pizza. 
  • Briana & Gabby are having a sleepover! They want to order a pizza. Gabby wants pepperoni pizza, but Briana wants plain. How can they solve the problem?
    They can get a half pepperoni pizza. They could also get 2 small pizzas.
  • Briana and Kayla are watching a Halloween movie. Kayla thinks the movie is fun, but she looks at Briana and Briana seems scared. What should Kayla do?
    Kayla should ask Briana if she wants to watch a different movie that's not so scary
  • Andres worked really hard on his math homework, and got every single question correct! How do you think Andres is feeling?
    Andres might be feeling proud or excited
  • Piper and Gabby are sitting next to each other at lunch. Piper accidentally spills her juice on the table, so Gabby hands her one of her napkins. What might Piper be thinking?
    Piper might be thinking that Gabby is being a nice friend
  • The class is trying to watch a movie, but Ms. Sabrina keeps keeps tapping her pencil on her desk. Asiya is sitting right next to Ms. Sabrina and can't really hear the movie. How do you think Asiya feels?
    Asiya might feel annoyed or frustrated
  • Ms. Sabrina asked the class a question. Hamdine raised his hand because he knew the answer, but Ms. Sabrina called on someone else! Should Hamdine say the answer anyway, or should he wait for another question?
    Hamdine should try to answer a different question so everyone has a chance to learn
  • At lunch, Ms. Sabrina asks Kayla if she has any snacks to share. Kayla says that she has a bag of cookies that her mom packed. Ms. Sabrina takes the bag of cookies and eats them all! How do you think Kayla feels?
    Kayla might feel upset or angry
  • Kevin makes an armpit fart while Luis is telling a story. What might Luis be thinking?
    Luis might think that Kevin doesn't want to listen to his story.
  • John is having a birthday party and invited his whole class to come celebrate. On the day of the party, John sees that all of his friends have come with really big gifts! How do you think John feels?
    John might feel happy that his friends are there. He also might feel thankful that his friends brought gifts for him.
  • Hamdine & Fernando had plans to play Minecraft after school, but Hamdine forgot and took a nap! Fernando logs on but sees Hamdine isn't online. How do you think Fernando feels?
    Fernando might feel sad or disappointed that his friend isn't online
  • The class is having an ice cream party! Tyler asks for chocolate ice cream, but all that's left is vanilla. Fernando says, "Hey Tyler! I'll trade you my chocolate since I like all ice cream flavors." What do you think Tyler is thinking?
    Tyler might be happy that Fernando wants to trade ice cream. He also might be thankful that his classmate is so kind.
  • Mrs. Young is having a serious conversation with the class about washing hands and wearing masks to stay healthy. Piper wants to tell a funny story about her weekend. What should Piper do?
    Piper should wait until recess, lunch, or free time to tell her funny story
  • Ms. Sabrina keeps interrupting Roey while he is talking about what he did over the weekend. What might Roey be thinking?
    Roey might think that Ms. Sabrina isn't being a good listener or a good conversation partner