
Sleeping words

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  • When you feel you're falling asleep you...
    Doze off
  • To walk around when you're asleep you...
  • A person who stays up late because they work better at night is a...
    Night owl
  • When you sleep a little before the night you take a...
  • When you can't sleep you have...
  • A person who sleeps deeply is a...
    Heavy sleeper
  • To not sleep a lot is...
    To not sleep a wink
  • A person who doesn't sleep deeply is a...
    Light sleeper
  • Another way to say "go to bed" is...
    Hit the hay
  • When you move in bed to fall asleep you...
    Toss and turn
  • When you're tired and you need to sleep you are...
  • A person who wakes up early is an...
    Early bird