
Does Your Teacher...?

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  • What is your teacher scared of?
    Snakes and Sharks
    A tornado of bees
  • Can your teacher ride a bike?
    No need to try
  • If a movie was made about your teacher, what actor/actress would play them?
    The Academy Award goes too...
  • What's her favourite ice cream flavour?
    Dark chocolate with chocolate chips
    Cream with chocolate chips
    Vanilla with chocolate chips
    White chocolate with chocolate chips
  • What is your teacher's favorite color?
    Bottle Green
    Olive Green
    Lime Green
    Racing Green
  • What subject did your teacher hate in school?
    None. She was the teacher's pet. But if you wrote Maths... you get a point.
  • What is your teacher's favorite holiday?
    Summer Holidays!
  • Does your teacher watch reality tv?
    Only about drag queens
  • Top 5 favourite sports to practise
    1. Volleyball 2. Dancing 3. Tennis 4. Dards 5. Petanque
  • What does your teacher like more?
    Ice cream
  • Can your teacher use chopsticks?
    Sure! I'm a Japanese lover
  • Can your teacher cook?
  • What was your teacher's favorite subject in school?
    P.E., Music and English. :)
  • Is your teacher an early bird or a night owl?
    Oh, that explains a lot!
  • What did your teacher eat for dinner last night?
    Veggie soup and a beer
  • What is your teacher's favorite day of the week?
  • Does your teacher like chocolate cake?
    Nom Nom Nom!
  • Is your teacher's computer screen clean?
    Don't touch the glass!
  • Does your teacher drink enough water everyday?
    Does anyone?
  • How many cups of coffee does she drink every day?
    Coffee is life: 2 (3 if it's a  tough day)
  • Does your teacher have an Android or an iPhone?
    Steve Jobs heard that!
  • Does your teacher watch Netflix on the weekend?
    Everyone does!
  • Does your teacher floss everyday?
    I should but I don't. I can't be bothered.
  • What was your teacher's favorite toy as a child?
    Barbies. Sue me!
  • Does your teacher like pizza?
    Who doesn't?
  • Does your teacher eat breakfast?
    No breakfast, no life. Coffee and toasts.
  • Ask a question you may know the answer to.
    You see right through me!
  • Does your teacher drive too fast or too slow?
    Safe speed, but she used to be a danger on wheels
  • Can your teacher swim?
    Adult water wings!
  • Can you teacher dance?
    I can dance. But no need to prove.
  • What did your teacher eat for lunch today?
    Spanish omelette :)
  • What was the first movie your teacher saw in the movie theater?
    The little mermaid. I had nightmares with Ursula.
  • Does your teacher sing in the shower?
    Not in the shower. But everywhere else
  • Does your teacher like cats or dogs better?
    It's a 50/50 chance!
  • Top 5 favourite TV Shows
    1. Breaking Bad 2. The Killing 3. Crazy Ex-Girlfriend 4. The IT Crowd 5. Peaky Blinders
  • Does your teacher always come to school on time?
    Not always. Sometimes I'm 1-2 minutes late.
  • Does your teacher sleep on the right side of the left side of the bed?
    Right side
  • What's the first CD your teacher bought? Yes CD, back in the nineties.
    The Cranberries: No need to argue