
Ancient Olympic Story: Vocabulary

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  • Choose the sentence with the correct English word for: 受到懲罰
    They were punished for making a mess.
    The teenagers were driving on scooters.
  • Choose the correct sentence: 青少年 teenager
    She was teenager in 1950s.
    She was a teenager in the 1950s.
  • Choose the correct sentence: 崇拜 honor
    He has no honors left.
    He has no honor left.
  • Choose the sentence with the correct English word for: 網球
    He plays croquet well.
    He plays tennis well.
  • Choose the correct sentence: 算術 arithmetic
    She teach arithmetic every Tuesdays and Fridays morning.
    She teaches arithmetic every Tuesday and Friday morning.
  • Choose the sentence with the correct English word for: 抓住
    The dog was punished for pooping in the house.
    The dog jumped and caught the ball in his mouth.
  • Choose the correct sentence: 女孩的單獨比賽 separate races for girls
    Will their be separate race for girls?
    Will there be separate races for girls?
  • Choose the sentence with the correct English word for: 健身房
    We will meet in the gymnasium.
    His arithmetic is terrible.
  • Choose the sentence with the correct English word for: 高爾夫球
    The dinosaur is terrible at golf.
    She is terrible at tennis.
  • Choose the correct sentence: 體育physical education
    When does you have physical education class?
    When do you have physical education class?
  • Choose the sentence with the correct English word for: 參加過
    Have you caught a cold?
    Have you competed in a swim race?
  • Choose the correct sentence: 女神 Goddess
    Hera was a Greek Goddess.
    Hera was an Greek Goddess.
  • Choose the correct sentence: 運動員 athlete
    He is a athlete when he was younger.
    He was an athlete when he was younger.
  • Choose the correct sentence: 不允許 not allowed
    They are not allowed to eat in their bedrooms.
    They are not allowed to eat in there bedrooms.
  • Choose the sentence with the correct English word for: 古老的
    This is an ancient place with ancient buildings.
    He is a good athlete.