
Say It or Think It?

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  • You did a great job during kickball today.
    Say it
    Think it
  • I want to play by myself today after school. Can we hang out another day?
    Think it
    Say it
  • My dress is prettier than yours.
    Say it
    Think it
  • Your house is really pretty.
    Think it
    Say it
  • Everything you do is so annoying!
    Say it
    Think it
  • You look great with your new haircut.
    Think it
    Say it
  • You smell yucky. Do you use soap?
    Say it
    Think it
  • It's too loud in here for me. Can I go outside for a break?
    Think it
    Say it
  • Why are your teeth so crooked?
    Think it
    Say it
  • You're not good at reading.
    Think it
    Say it
  • I'm having a hard time with this. Can you help me?
    Think it
    Say it
  • Something fell out of your backpack!
    Say it
    Think it
  • You played a really great game. I think you'll win next time for sure!
    Think it
    Say it
  • I had a lot of fun, but I'm ready to go home now.
    Say it
    Think it
  • Why do you always wear purple? It's weird.
    Think it
    Say it
  • You're my favorite person to play tetherball with.
    Think it
    Say it
  • That was really mean, and it hurt my feelings.
    Think it
    Say it
  • Your new shirt is so cool!
    Think it
    Say it
  • It's hard for me to focus on my work when you're singing. Can we sing at recess instead?
    Think it
    Say it
  • I'm smarter than you. I always get better grades.
    Think it
    Say it
  • I don't want him on my team! He's the worst and will make us lose.
    Say it
    Think it
  • We're both really good at this!
    Think it
    Say it
  • That made me really uncomfortable.
    Think it
    Say it
  • I think I need a break.
    Say it
    Think it
  • Your clothes are weird.
    Say it
    Think it
  • This game is so boring! I hate this game!
    Say it
    Think it
  • Ew, that shirt is so ugly.
    Say it
    Think it
  • That question is soooo easy! Only a baby would get that wrong.
    Say it
    Think it
  • Wow, you're a really fast runner! Do you want to play soccer with me and my friends?
    Say it
    Think it
  • She is so nice.
    Say it
    Think it
  • Oh no! Better luck next time.
    Think it
    Say it
  • I'm sorry that I hurt your feelings.
    Say it
    Think it
  • Why do you like that show? It's so boring.
    Say it
    Think it