
Titanic film

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  • Jack was an .................. from England to America. (a person moving from one place to another place)
  • Rose was trying to ................ ................... (kill herself) when she met Jack.
    commit suicide
  • Titanic is a .............
    ship/ boat
  • Titanic was the ............... (adj) ship at that time.
  • She was made to get ............. to a rich man by her mother to pay the........... for her family.
    married - debt
  • In the end, Rose ............... her family name into Dawnson.
  • What type of film is Titanic?
    Disaster Romantic
  • Rose and Jack shared a wooden ............floating on the surface of water.
  • Titanic is the ship of ................ (which country?)
  • People of all ............ (= levels) were on this ship (starting with c)
  • Rose was a girl from the ................ (= high) class (starting with e)
  • The ship arrived in .....................
  • What did Rose see at the end of film when she arrived in America?
    the Statue of Liberty
  • He won a ticket to be on Titanic by .................. (playing cards to have money)
  • What is the OST of Titanic?
    My heart will go on
  • Jack ................ (tried to tell her to do/ not to do st) Rose not to jump from the ship.
  • She felt .................... (= sad) when she got married to that wealthy man.
  • Jack was a ................. (= without money) young man. (starting with p)
  • Jack was a man from the .............. (number) class.
  • Rose and Jack fell in love at their ....................... (loved when they first met)
    first sight
  • After hitting, Titanic ............. (went down) and a lot of people ............( went down into water)
    sank - drowned
  • Rose was trying to ................ ................... (kill herself) when she met Jack.
    committ suicide
  • Rose was trying to ................ ................... (kill herself) when she met Jack.
    commit suicide
  • After hitting, Titanic ............. (went down) and a lot of people ............( went down into water)
    sank - drowned
  • After hitting, Titanic ............. (went down) and a lot of people ............( went down into water)
    sank - drowned
  • Titanic hit an ......... when it was on the way to America.