
Kindergarten Unit 3 Tic Tac Toe

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  • It's sunny and hot. What should I take?
    You should take your colorful sun umbrella.
  • It's winter. What should I wear?
    You should wear your pink jacket.
  • My feet are cold. What should I wear?
    You should wear your green socks.
  • It's windy. What should I wear?
    You should wear your  windbreaker.
  • It's rainy. What should I wear?
    You should wear your yellow rain boots.
  • It's summer at the rodeo. What should I wear?
    You should wear your cowboy hat.
  •  It's snowy. What should I wear?
    You should wear your green gloves.
  • It's raing. What should I take?
    You should take your colorful rainumbrella.
  •  It's summer. What should I wear?
    You should wear your sneakers.
  • It's time for bed. What should I wear?
    You should wear your blue slippers.
  •  It's fall. What should I wear?
    You should wear your yellow hoodie.
  • It's hot. What should I wear?
    You should wear your colorful shorts.
  • It's cold outside. What should I wear?
    You should wear your warm blue sweater.
  • It's chilly. What should I wear?
    You should wear your red hat.
  • It's raining cats and dogs. What should I wear?
    You should wear your rain jacket.
  • It's snowy. What should I wear?
    You should wear your red snowsuit.
  • It's sunny. What should I wear?
    You should wear your ball cap.
  • It's warm. What should I wear?
    You should wear your sandals.
  • It's freezing. What should I wear?
    You should wear your green mittens.
  • My neck is cold. What should I wear?
    You should wear your blue scarf.