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  • Students are working in a group and Sally wants to write but Ben wants to as well, Diagreement or Teasing
    This is a disagreement
  • Teddy asks Watson for help but Watson gets up and yells 'DO IT YOURSELF FOR ONCE", later Watson told Teddy he was sorry. Mean moment or Disagreement?
    This is a mean moment
  • You talk behind your friends back because you are mad at them. Mean moment or Teasing
    This is a mean moment
  • Instead of Sarah calling Katie by her name, she would say Baby and then smile
    This is hurtful teasing
  • They don't mind if you tease them in return. Friends or bullies?
  • I lost to my brother during battleship today. He was happy and said “Yes!” when he won the game.
    This is just being a poor winner
  • Shelley threatened Ali three times that she was going to hurt her if she did not give her fruit snacks. Bullying or Mean Moment
    This is bullying
  • Your friend and you are teasing each other back and forth, but your friend is starting to tease you in a way you don't like and you ask them to stop but they keep doing it. Friendly teasing or hurtful teasing?
    This is Hurtful Teasing
  • A girl said “Your shirt is so ugly. Minions aren’t even cool anymore” when she saw you wearing your favorite shirt. Is this teasing or bullying?
    This is teasing: - Happened one time
  • Adam and David are good friends and are teasing eachother, they are both laughing and smiling
    This is Friendly Teasing
  • Sally was having the worst day, when Sam came over to say hello, Sally pushed past her and did not say anything. Later Sally went to say she was sorry
    This is a mean moment
  • They whisper or laugh at you when they think you won't notice. Friendly teasing or hurtful teasing?
    This is Hurtful Teasing
  • Maria and Alicia play together all the time, Maria wanted to play four square but Alicia wants to play soccer. Is this a disagreement or mean moment?
    This is a disagreement
  • A girl in my class called me stupid today because I answered a question wrong during science class. Is this teasing or Bullying
    This is hurtful teasing
  • 3 boys on my soccer team tell me “I suck" at soccer every practice and game I go to. I never tease back because they make fun of me more and they don’t make fun of anyone else on the team. Is this Teasing or Bullying
    This is Bullying
  • Tom tells Ally to igonre a third grader becasue their clothes are not stylish. Bullying or Hurtful teasing?
    This is hurtful teasing
  • A boy in grade 6 shoves me into the wall and says “Walk much?” in a sarcastic tone every morning this week. Everyone in the hall laughs when they see it happen.Is this Bullying or Hurtful Teasing?
    This is Bullying
  • A group of kids are shooting baskets at recess, whenever someone tries to make a shot, they shout "miss miss it's not going to happen!" Everyone is having fun and nobody's feelings are hurt. Friendly teasing or hurtful teasing?
    This is Playful Teasing